I would not recommend taking it back again until you have made a few trips over several weeks and can note all the problems, unless of course you have an issue that absolutely prevents you from using it. Your trailer can spend weeks at the dealer waiting to be fixed or for parts to come in before they even attempt to fix it. And while it sits the warranty keeps ticking.
My suggestion is to use it as much as you can when you get it back and keep a running list of all the problems. Then take it back at about the six month mark. Hopefully, you will have it back in a month or two after the second trip in time to use it some more. Then do the same thing again and return it to the dealer for final warranty repair on the last few days of your warranty eligibility, which is probably the one year anniversary of your delivery date. Then they can fix the stuff they likely didn’t get right on the first two times in and anything new.
Hopefully, after this trip in you can have it pretty dialed in and good to go for a while.
Keep lots of tool and supplies (assorted fuses, screwdriver with multiple bits including the square bit, multi-meter, electric tape, hammer, finish nails, liquid nails, small tubes of clear and white caulk) with you and read this forum and other sources so you can make small repairs without having to return it to the dealer.
Ultimately, you will likely have lots of fun with your trailer but Dutchmen quality is pretty pathetic and the components they use are often cheap and low grade. You will enjoy the trailer much more if you can tackle some of the repairs yourself.
Good luck
2018 Voltage 3305