You would not believe the quality of current manufacturing, especially on the low end, or maybe you would. I have been asked to leave more than a few places because I am going through stacks of items and looking for the best ones. I have the local Northern Tools pretty ticked at me. We needed some replacement rims for one of our work trailers, after the first go around with some of them so bent or out of round they couldn't be used they basically asked me to go somewhere else.
Me and a buddy got thrown out of a local Sears store quite a few years back, we needed some carpenter's framing squares. We had a quarter sheet of plywood and were checking the squares for accuracy, we had about 4 on the good pile and about a dozen in the ain't good enough pile.Had quite the crowd watching us too.
Sales manager was not amused.
I know what mean about the state of modern manufacturing, the old school mechanic I worked for in the sixties taught me all about looking for quality.
Sounds like we could have fun shopping together. My wife cringes when I'm shopping with her, I have my own quality control process, if I can break it in the store, it ain't upto my quality standards.
Speaking of balancing tires, I haven't seen a bubble balancer used for years, but I still see them being sold at Princess Auto. I've thought about getting myself one, but then I'd need a changer to go with it, just no room for more stuff in my shop.