Hi, I purchased a used 2011 Dutchmen Voltage 3900 to live in full time. This is a test to help me decide if I can handle the lifestyle, constant maintenance and responsibilities that are required for RV living, so I've read. Living with me in my RV will be two large, old dogs, and an assortment of cats. I chose my RV because it has a garage, when I measured it, is 16 feet in length, despite the specs saying it's 14. The layout is incredible. I plan to get a proper porch slash dog ramp, add a 3rd AC, (external 110, air dump) in the garage, setup a washer and dryer, setup a portable dishwasher, remove the large couch in main slide and put in my own couch, replace existing AC units as needed, and maybe install new flooring if possible without removing the kitchen island. I'm sure there will be many learning opportunities going forward. Just getting to PDI, next week, has been an effort in searching the VIN for recalls, four of which resulted in fires and or explosions. But I'm still excited. Cautiously optimistic, but excited ��.