I use RV LOCK for my keyless entry. It came with two programmable key fobs which were a bit tricky to program. Mine also comes with a lifetime warranty which I have used several times. The warranty does not replace the entire lock but they send parts and you replace them as needed. Mostly, my keypad has given me the most trouble with cracking and water intrusion. I have replaced the membrane twice and it’s pretty easy (unfortunately). Also, my lock does not have a zero key (1-9 only).
Saying that, would I purchase another one? Yeah, I like the ability to lock and unlock without a key and the key fob is sort of handy since my wife is handicapped and she sometimes has issues with pushing buttons. The lock is very easy to install and more or less, a direct replacement. I used butyl tape underneath the lock as a precautionary measure. Not so sure if it is completely necessary but I error on the side of caution.
Hope this helps…