Hi Everyone!
My wife and I are new to the travel trailer and RV world, and like many others, I stumbled across the board looking for help fixing my trailer. While we have tent camped for years, this is our first year with an actual RV, and trailer.
Last year we rebuilt a 2003 Dutchman Sport 19F, replacing the entire front wall, interior, roof, and supports. The Dutchman was given to us, as long as we could haul it out of the woods, so the price was right for a first camper!
Now that it is sound, I am working on the interior, which is clean for the most part, but the plumbing leaks in several places, And we haven't even tried the LP yet. (Baby steps).
While the Sport was being repaired, we found a 2005 Sightseer RV that we fell in love with and purchased that with our eye on long-distance travel in our near future. Everything works, the RV it in great shape, though the New England potholes took a toll on the exhaust last trip out, and I have to fix a leak at the manifold.
And... because I love exploring, we picked up a Skamper truck camper, very used, off craigslist. Needs a new fridge, but otherwise, it is watertight, and perfect for our trip to Flagstaff next spring, and The Denton and Dalton highways in Alaska a soon as we can manage it. The Skamper has a lot of "upgrades" that need sorting out, but that's half the fun, isn't it?
Anyways, looking forward to meeting everyone!
Happy travels!
My wife and I are new to the travel trailer and RV world, and like many others, I stumbled across the board looking for help fixing my trailer. While we have tent camped for years, this is our first year with an actual RV, and trailer.
Last year we rebuilt a 2003 Dutchman Sport 19F, replacing the entire front wall, interior, roof, and supports. The Dutchman was given to us, as long as we could haul it out of the woods, so the price was right for a first camper!
While the Sport was being repaired, we found a 2005 Sightseer RV that we fell in love with and purchased that with our eye on long-distance travel in our near future. Everything works, the RV it in great shape, though the New England potholes took a toll on the exhaust last trip out, and I have to fix a leak at the manifold.
And... because I love exploring, we picked up a Skamper truck camper, very used, off craigslist. Needs a new fridge, but otherwise, it is watertight, and perfect for our trip to Flagstaff next spring, and The Denton and Dalton highways in Alaska a soon as we can manage it. The Skamper has a lot of "upgrades" that need sorting out, but that's half the fun, isn't it?
Anyways, looking forward to meeting everyone!
Happy travels!