Hello from Washington state


New Member
Nov 30, 2014
Port Orchard
Just wanted to say hello to the community. :)

Purchased a 2014 Rubicon 2900 toy hauler in April of this year. Taken out a few time now, have some minor issues I am working through, and looking for any input from other owners of this model that I may be wanting to keep my eye on.

Anyway, just mainly wanted to introduce myself to the community.
Hey howb40, welcome to the forum...we also have a Rubicon 2900, we love the floor plan BUT our 2900 is a LEMON from the git-go!

I could tell you sooo many things to watch for - including the axels - both misaligned and wore out all 4 tires; ....front fiberglass nose pulling away from the edge and leaving a 5-5" gap! And the list just goes on and on just like the energizer bunny!

If you have any questions, don't hesitate to ask!
Wow sorry to hear that. Before I purchased ours, I searched the internet for any reviews to see if they had inherent issues, and did not find too much, besides lack of engineering thought put into them like when the slide is in, the control panel is not easily assessable etc.. So besides items like that figured I was pretty safe. Have you found that your list of issues is inherent to the Rubicon?
My biggest issue is getting the local dealer to do the work. Now taking it 4 hours away to have small warranty items resolved that should have been completed by the dealer we bought it from.
Would love to see the list of issues you have been fighting through if you feel like typing them up?
This is what I posted back in August 2013:
OK so here is our list - and I just realized that we never checked the heat or air condition - it was running during our PDI but I guess we should check further.

Nail or screw is penetrating the fiberglass from the inside out – near the front doorway on the right side – fixed under warranty – I do admit the body work was nicely done.

Black tank rinse does not work. Water leaked in the hallway with the water turn on to the tank rinser. – Have not had the opportunity to check this out.

Spray port does not work – will not connect. - This was advertised as hot and cold water – what needs to be done to get the fixed. – They claim that my model does not have hot and cold water and we have not had a chance to test this after picking up from dealer.

Slide – left side of the slide (facing it from the inside) does not extend all the way out – also notice the gaps when closed! Makes terrible noise when putting out or in! – Dealer said nothing wrong with slide.

Check out uneven tire wear!!!!!! Nothing done

Purchased a door for the bedroom, along with hardware. Received door, one hinge, one knob – still waiting (about 12 weeks now) for the other hinge. We want to mount the door ourselves and it is still sitting.

Mattress “roping” is ripped at the bottom of the bed. On order now for over 8 weeks.

Rear screen “wall”, small tear and one strap is missing. They replaced the “wall” with something much larger than original – attached the Velcro to the side rails – which did not stick to the side rails BUT it did stick to the paneling!!!!! What a mess…….in the meantime we ordered a “screen only” with a zipper custom fit for about $140.00!

Couch by L is separating and moves when using slide. Dealer said the couch moving is normal….and after investigating further we found that the arm of the couch is actually a mechanism for a draw under the seat!

Top step front door is not painted. Now you would think that the TH was in the dealer’s body shop for the fiberglass repair that they would paint the step – but NOOOOOOOO!

Puck lights in slide do not work.Dealer repaired lights.
How do you take the lens off these lights? Three people at the dealer looked at this and finally the 3rd person figured it out.

Kitchen (sink) cabinet doors are warped (left door both sides).All they did was add another a latch to one side – the other side is still out of alignment.

Windows in the slide do not lock (same window as the kitchen and it does lock). After seeing what other work has been done by the dealer – I think we will just live with windows that don’t lock!!! We have visions of leaking windows if they change them out. But then again, the TH was at the dealer for 6 weeks and this was not addressed other than windows are on order!

Front door = plastic slide is tight.Dealer repaired!

Check for fridge recall??? OK so one person said the recall was done and another said we were not on the recall list…..I’ll call Norcold and check for myself!

What color stain is used for the cabinets??? Apparently no one can tell me – but they will order some stain for us – again 6-8 weeks and still waiting.

Trim above the door from the garage area into the living area is not acceptable! They claim (and it sure does not look like it) that they fixed this……

Missing rubber grommet on the stove. Repaired by dealer.

Stove - Front burner does not light with “igniter”. Repaired by dealer.

Wall and trim need to be repaired as noted on the sales order – marks all over the wall and the trim is pulling away from the wall.
Shower surround does not “stick” to the rear wall – it will for awhile and then eventually loosen up.
Tub/shower leaks water on the floor from both outside corners – even while TH is slightly tilted in the opposite direction.
Nothing at all was done in the bathroom to any of the problems listed above.

What are the hoses for under the sink (in cabinet)? Was told they are for the black tank rinser.

Drip rail near awning is not one continuous piece and is dripping water onto the door light! Dealer repaired by placing a “glop” of silicone on the crack!

Screw broken above the front door allowing water to enter……dealer repaired by drill out broken piece and installing new screw…..how much water is still to be undetermined.

Happijack pins missing. Ordered 4 weeks ago – still waiting!

Rust on the rear garage door and sill plate. – Nothing done!

OK that is the list we gave the dealer when we brought the TH in for warranty work on 6/10/13 and what was and wasn’t done when we picked it up on 7/26/13…..

Now for the things we have discovered during our last outing:

Bathroom GFI “trips” after running generator.

Battery drain – we seem to think our batteries drain too quickly – the batteries have been tested and they are “good”…..we will investigate further.

Water pump, well this is a problem – sometimes it will run and NOT shut off and other times it will run for what seem like an eternity and then shut off (which we know is also part of the battery drain problem).

When using the water pump (battery) – the water pulsates and splashes all order the kitchen, the bathroom sink seems to run ok but the shower also is spitting and sputtering.

We removed the screens from the overhead vents to clean them and to put in a pull switch in the bathroom for the fan and found that the bezels are split (all 3) and that the screws that hold in the screen have broken the “guides” and will no longer be effective…..

But most importantly – a MAJOR water leak in the bedroom……we found that the front fiberglass has actually torn away from the trim on the front of the TH……this is NOT a case of the caulking having to be redone – it is a 6” – 8” gap where it is open by about ¼” wide……we have since put duck tape on this and will deal with it after camping season.

We do most of our camping during the fall months – so I am sure this list will get longer the more we use it! We did purchase it in September of last year and used it for two weeks, but had full hook ups , then it went into winter storage until May of 2013n– this past outing was dry camping when we noticed all the problems with the “battery operated” items!

Yes some of these items could have been fixed by us….but since it was going back to the dealer we figured they could fix even the small things!!!!!! Apparently this is not happening!

Now the list above does not include the things we had fixed during our PDI!!!!
I have to admit our items are small in comparison. It is a little aggravating though, when items are pointed out, apparently parts were ordered, and the length of time it takes to get the replacement parts. I thought our main problem was the place of purchase, but seeing some of the lead times your mentioning maybe I was a little hasty on giving them a piece of my mind, on second thought...............no I wasn't.
We called all the mfg's including Dutchman, and they even suggested going to a different service department. I guess I am about to see how round 3 goes for our few items that are now going on 6 months to get resolved.

Your list of items did bring up some things we will check as well though. ie bathroom vent, changing light bulbs in puck lights, I have one out as well and have not attempted to change it yet.

We also think the batteries drain too fast, but I chalk it up to all the electronics in the unit and am planning on adding two addition golf cart batteries for more storage, and a solar unit on the roof as well.

good luck with yours, seems like you have a long battle ahead. Will be looking to see updates.
I have yet to figure out just how the hell they order parts...

I asked the parts department at the dealer where we bought ours (Camping World) about ordering two interior panels to match the existing walls and cabinets. Four calls and 6 months later I still don't have pricing.:-ang I can't decide who is the bigger bunch of idiots, the factory or the dealer. I am perfectly willing to pay their exorbitant prices for a couple of pieces of paneling, but they can't even get me a price! Piss poor customer service all the way around.

I consider myself lucky beyond belief, we have only had one warranty issue with the way the air conditioner was installed. It was fixed promptly, not sure if it was fixed correctly. Eventually I will take it apart and look for sure.:roll:

howb40, we have since gotten "most" of the bugs fixed - it has been a long two years - I went to Dutchmen and got them to extend my warranty to repair anything that was on the list (prior to warranty expiration) that was not repaired!

Our batteries (23 have two #27's) still drain quickly - we could camp for 5 days in our Sunline and not have any issues, we are lucky if we get 2 1/2 days in the Rubicon.

Our generator is extremely noisy; it is very hard to watch TV while it is on because of the noise.

We have put a pull string switch in the bathroom on the fan, so it can be turned on without standing on the toilet......simple, easy mod and works well!

We also installed shelves in the cabinet over the stove and the long cabinet in the garage - doubles the storage area!

Have you done anything with the pantry? I keep losing things way in the back......

I have the bed struts to hold the plywood up, but DH has not found the time to install them, maybe in the spring!

Oh we also bought rigid installation (the styro-foam stuff) and place it in the front storage area.....it has made the front bedroom much warmer. We do most of our camping in May/June and then September/October - here in the Adirondacks, it can cold and sometimes even snowy here!

Well good luck with your Rubicon, let us know if we can help you in anyway and let us know what mods you may have made to your 2900 to make life easier!!!!!

Happy Camping!
Nana Kathy
I have yet to figure out just how the hell they order parts...

I asked the parts department at the dealer where we bought ours (Camping World) about ordering two interior panels to match the existing walls and cabinets. Four calls and 6 months later I still don't have pricing.:-ang I can't decide who is the bigger bunch of idiots, the factory or the dealer. I am perfectly willing to pay their exorbitant prices for a couple of pieces of paneling, but they can't even get me a price! Piss poor customer service all the way around.

I consider myself lucky beyond belief, we have only had one warranty issue with the way the air conditioner was installed. It was fixed promptly, not sure if it was fixed correctly. Eventually I will take it apart and look for sure.:roll:


We are taking ours to a different dealership this week, that is located in a less populated area than the Seattle area. (2 hours away) Talking with them on the phone, they seem willing to do the warranty work, "luckily". They were actually part of a list that was sent to us by Dutchmen, of dealers in our immediate area that do mfg warranty work. Only one of the four dealerships from that list were even willing to take new customers.
Once I have our few items addressed satisfactorily, I am going to report the dealer I purchased this unit from, to the BBB. I should have become part of this community before I made my purchase, and spent just as much research on the dealer, as I did on the TH itself.

Live and learn I guess. :-ang
howb40, we have since gotten "most" of the bugs fixed - it has been a long two years - I went to Dutchmen and got them to extend my warranty to repair anything that was on the list (prior to warranty expiration) that was not repaired!

Our batteries (23 have two #27's) still drain quickly - we could camp for 5 days in our Sunline and not have any issues, we are lucky if we get 2 1/2 days in the Rubicon.

Our generator is extremely noisy; it is very hard to watch TV while it is on because of the noise.

We have put a pull string switch in the bathroom on the fan, so it can be turned on without standing on the toilet......simple, easy mod and works well!

We also installed shelves in the cabinet over the stove and the long cabinet in the garage - doubles the storage area!

Have you done anything with the pantry? I keep losing things way in the back......

I have the bed struts to hold the plywood up, but DH has not found the time to install them, maybe in the spring!

Oh we also bought rigid installation (the styro-foam stuff) and place it in the front storage area.....it has made the front bedroom much warmer. We do most of our camping in May/June and then September/October - here in the Adirondacks, it can cold and sometimes even snowy here!

Well good luck with your Rubicon, let us know if we can help you in anyway and let us know what mods you may have made to your 2900 to make life easier!!!!!

Happy Camping!
Nana Kathy


We really have not done too many mods as of yet, besides DW has put in some cabinet organizers she found at bed bath and beyond, (were I do not go). Upgraded the shower curtain with a curved bar purchased from lowes, and cut down to fit the TH small shower. Then a removable expandable bar that when not showering keeps the curtain away from the medicine cabinet.

Some things that we plan to do once it is not at the dealer all the time are;
> Change interior lighting to LED
> Pantry- Install slider cabinet organizers to be able to reach the things in the back like you were mentioning, and keep everything assessable.
> Under the couch - build a drawer system that the couch will sit on, approximately 6 to 8 inch's high. Just for extra storage inside for misc items.
>Bathroom- Going to raise the medicine cabinet so I don't bump my head when brushing my teeth. I am going to change the vent and fan to a remote fan and vent.
> Garage-I am going to build a closet/dresser/entertainment center on the dividing wall for our sons cloths, and everyone's riding gear. Can not stand clutter....:-ang
> Exterior storage- Locking storage slider units under the frame. Also building a battery box on the tongue out of stainless steel diamond plate, with sliders under it for extra storage.

These are just some plans for mods. I will upload pics as I complete.

Yes I agree the generator is loud were it is. We use a honda 2000 generator most of the time instead of the on board. For the most part it is cheaper to operate (1 gallon of gas, nearly 6 hours operation)and a heck of lot quieter. I am thinking of installing a solar panel system as well.

We were going to buy a Voltage 3950, but I was to much of a tight wad to let go of that kind of money. So when we decided on this one, we knew we would have to get inventive for storage. We will have to keep in touch and compare ideas. We also camp year round, in all weather conditions.
Burl, do you have the "theater seating" - we have a curved couch with a drawer under the long part and a pull out drawer under the curved part....
we store the table under the long section and paper goods under the curved section.

We also put in the shower rod - that collapses in the bathroom.

We installed a small dorm fridge in the garage area = although the fridge in the kitchen is large enough to put a few beers in along with the food!

Let us know how you make out.....tell us about the "small issues" you are dealing with!


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Burl, do you have the "theater seating" - we have a curved couch with a drawer under the long part and a pull out drawer under the curved part....
we store the table under the long section and paper goods under the curved section.

We also put in the shower rod - that collapses in the bathroom.

We installed a small dorm fridge in the garage area = although the fridge in the kitchen is large enough to put a few beers in along with the food!

Let us know how you make out.....tell us about the "small issues" you are dealing with!


Yes I think ours is considered stadium seating, it is a reclining couch, no drawer under it. I will see if I can upload pic's it and some minor mods we have done.

Really small issues compared to yours, almost feel I am making a mountain out of a mole hill in comparison. Below is what we are getting fixed, hopefully this time.

- One section of the couch does not operate properly. The first dealer just kept trying to bend things with out replacing it. Still not right.
- Counter top has a screw or something coming up through it. Needs replaced. They said they ordered it and it came in fabricated backwards.
- The fuel tank when full, only shows 1/2 full on the gauge.
- The multiplayer radio system, when listening to a station will just go into searching stations periodically with out warning. That is real aggravating when we were listening to the seahawks game on our annual thanksgiving camping trip.

We did get minor scratch's, cabinet doors etc fixed before I lost it on them. But it took 5 month's for minor repairs, like I told them that is unacceptable.


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Wow I wish I had your problems.....LOL!

Hope you get things worked out.....we really do like the floor plan!

What is that in the sink cabinet bottom left???? Did you add the top shelf?
Wow I wish I had your problems.....LOL!

Hope you get things worked out.....we really do like the floor plan!

What is that in the sink cabinet bottom left???? Did you add the top shelf?

Yes like I was saying, after seeing what you guy's are going through, our issues are very minor. This new dealer I am taking it too today has alot of good reviews on there service even if the units were not purchased from them. Keeping fingers crossed.

That is just a drawer system DW picked up at Bed Bath and beyond that fit below the shelf.

We like the floor plan as well.

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