howb40, we have since gotten "most" of the bugs fixed - it has been a long two years - I went to Dutchmen and got them to extend my warranty to repair anything that was on the list (prior to warranty expiration) that was not repaired!
Our batteries (23 have two #27's) still drain quickly - we could camp for 5 days in our Sunline and not have any issues, we are lucky if we get 2 1/2 days in the Rubicon.
Our generator is extremely noisy; it is very hard to watch TV while it is on because of the noise.
We have put a pull string switch in the bathroom on the fan, so it can be turned on without standing on the toilet......simple, easy mod and works well!
We also installed shelves in the cabinet over the stove and the long cabinet in the garage - doubles the storage area!
Have you done anything with the pantry? I keep losing things way in the back......
I have the bed struts to hold the plywood up, but DH has not found the time to install them, maybe in the spring!
Oh we also bought rigid installation (the styro-foam stuff) and place it in the front storage has made the front bedroom much warmer. We do most of our camping in May/June and then September/October - here in the Adirondacks, it can cold and sometimes even snowy here!
Well good luck with your Rubicon, let us know if we can help you in anyway and let us know what mods you may have made to your 2900 to make life easier!!!!!
Happy Camping!
Nana Kathy
We really have not done too many mods as of yet, besides DW has put in some cabinet organizers she found at bed bath and beyond, (were I do not go). Upgraded the shower curtain with a curved bar purchased from lowes, and cut down to fit the TH small shower. Then a removable expandable bar that when not showering keeps the curtain away from the medicine cabinet.
Some things that we plan to do once it is not at the dealer all the time are;
> Change interior lighting to LED
> Pantry- Install slider cabinet organizers to be able to reach the things in the back like you were mentioning, and keep everything assessable.
> Under the couch - build a drawer system that the couch will sit on, approximately 6 to 8 inch's high. Just for extra storage inside for misc items.
>Bathroom- Going to raise the medicine cabinet so I don't bump my head when brushing my teeth. I am going to change the vent and fan to a remote fan and vent.
> Garage-I am going to build a closet/dresser/entertainment center on the dividing wall for our sons cloths, and everyone's riding gear. Can not stand clutter....:-ang
> Exterior storage- Locking storage slider units under the frame. Also building a battery box on the tongue out of stainless steel diamond plate, with sliders under it for extra storage.
These are just some plans for mods. I will upload pics as I complete.
Yes I agree the generator is loud were it is. We use a honda 2000 generator most of the time instead of the on board. For the most part it is cheaper to operate (1 gallon of gas, nearly 6 hours operation)and a heck of lot quieter. I am thinking of installing a solar panel system as well.
We were going to buy a Voltage 3950, but I was to much of a tight wad to let go of that kind of money. So when we decided on this one, we knew we would have to get inventive for storage. We will have to keep in touch and compare ideas. We also camp year round, in all weather conditions.