Hello, new to the forum. Currently have a Grand Design TT and am wanting to trade up to a 5th wheel. Have located a new Dutchmen Astoria 3173 and really like it. Being a savvy buyer, I always do a lot of legwork before pulling the trigger on major purchases. I've done tons of research on the Dutchmen brand and the reviews come back okay.....about middle of the road. Of course, you can dig into each review and it always seems that you will find the horror stories. I have to take this with a grain of salt and a person is much more likely to submit a review based on a negative experience as opposed to a positive one. I signed up with this forum today to see if I could get some opinions on what you Dutchmen owners think about your rv's. So please let me know what everyone thinks about the Dutchmen brand. Thanks in advance. John