We looked at the Voltage Epic 3800, 3818, 3950 and 3990.
We decided the queen bed that you could walk around would be fine.
In the living area, we chose the 3800 because:
It has two recliners and a dinette. The dinette is my computer table and I can see the television.
The only slide in the living area is the side with the recliners and dinette.
I don't like the kitchen as a slide, restricts kitchen space, and I don't like a slide with propane connections. Just my choice.
Once we get set up, and have the UTV out of the garage...we pin the top "happy jack" bed at the top, set up the table. Then we have a place to eat meals, and have a television there...hooked up to DirecTV...and using the WiFi Ranger our printer sits on the table all the way at the back of the trailer.
There's just the two of us now, and it works out very well for us!
Just thoughts