Our family just purchased our first camper trailer. It is in excellent condition, and was lovingly cared for. We purchased it four days ago, and drove it straight from the lot to the camp site we picked. I love this. It's quiet here, very little traffic from the others staying here, and only one cell phone has any coverage.
I am actually sending this using my phone for data.
This being our first venture into camping in a trailer we are still new to this, and learning a lot. We have meet many friendly people who are more than willing to offer help. (Especially with a noob
trying to backup a 26+ foot trailer for the first time) We are realizing that we have to modify what we need and
think we need. We also are trying to figure out the best way to pack and store our "stuff". We have five people and that's a lot of clothing and other items.
We have noticed one issue and I don't know if anyone has heard of this before. Our Norcold refrigerator when we tried to run it off propane seemed to work for about 30 seconds to a minute then there was a "Wosh" sound kind of like when you are igniting a grill was heard and a flash of flames came from under the fridge. Well needless to say we are back to running it off electric, but my wife and daughters are afraid of it. Any advice would be helpful.
Thanks and safe journeys.