Good morning all. I hope this has turned out to be a fine morning for all of you. This is by way of introduction of myself - Ron - and my wife Sandy. We have been RVing for quite some time now and our newest coach is a 2011 Dutchmen 277RLS that we purchased new in October of 2010. Since then, we have been from southern California to Texas, Arizona, New Mexico, northern California (gold country), the Sierra Nevada, central California coast, etc. We absolutely love our Dutchmen. It is by far the most comfortable trailer we have owned. We're thrilled to find this group. The other trailers we have owned always had support groups and I was a bit disappointed when I could not find a Dutchmen group. Kudos to all of you for making this a great destination for prospective owners and for fellow Dutchmen owners. Anyhow, here are a couple of pics so you know who we are.
And of course Buck our big as a horse dog:
Happy trails!